microbiology, laboratory, pedriatic, hospital, holguin

Microbiology Lab of Holguin Pediatric Hospital will work again

After more than three decades in use of the Microbiology Laboratory of Octavio de la Concepción…

Drones, holguin

Holguín uses drones for economic and social development

The use of drones for the benefit of the economy and society is increasing throughout Cuba…

cubamax, holguin

Cubamax-Aerovaradero’s fine shipments from the U.S. to Cuba

The Cubamax Group confirmed on Monday the good reception of the beginning of frozen meat shipments…

ofthalmology, center, retinosis, albinism, holguin

Ophthalmological booklet for Retinitis Pigmentosa – Albinism Center

Before the donation of an ophthalmological booklet by Casa de Iberoamerica to the Provincial Center for…

agriculture, plantain

Experimental methods used in Holguín for banana harvesting

The Agricultural Extension, Research and Training Unit (Ueica), applies in Holguin province experimental methods in banana…

national, vanguard, holguin

Holguin: 26 work places reach the National Vanguard status

The celebrations in Holguin for May Day, International Workers’ Day, have the pride generated by the…