cristino, naranjo, cacocum

Transformations continue in Cristino Naranjo, Cacocum

The transformation of the sugar sector and the improvement of the quality of life of the…

acuanipe, mayari, holguin

Holguin aquaculture enterprise contributes to import substitution

The substitution of imports in order to reduce the country’s expenses and benefit vulnerable population groups…


Felton thermoelectric plant stops operations

Unit one of Lidio Ramón Pérez thermoelectric plant in Felton, Holguín province, stopped operations at 8:00…

Diaz, Canel, visit, Holguin, Cacocum

Díaz-Canel tours economic interest centers in Cacocum

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and…

casita, infantil, cristino

Holguin sugar sector builds first casita for its children

The search for solutions for working mothers without the possibility of enrolling their children in a…

trade, union, holguin, volunteer, work

Holguin trade unions support social and economic tasks

As part of the activities prior to the XXII Congress of the Cuban Workers’ Confederation (CTC),…

assembly, ninth, congress, anec, holguin

Ninth ANEC provincial assembly held in Holguín

Holguin held the ninth provincial assembly of the Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC),…

repair, works, cristino, naranjo, sugar, mill, cacocum, holguin

Cacocum: Repair works continue at Cristino Naranjo sugar mill

Workers and managers of Cristino Naranjo sugar mill in the municipality of Cacocum, in the province…

water, nets, holguin

Works in Holguin to improve water supply networks

The Territorial Delegation of Hydraulic Resources in Holguin province is working on the improvement of the…

charter, flight, airline, venezuela, rutaca, holguin

New air route between Venezuela and Holguín

The Venezuelan airline Rutaca inaugurated today a new commercial route to link Simón Bolívar International Airport…