pioneers, homage, jose, marti, brigade

Holguin pays homage to José Martí

From May 9 to 19, the second Affection Days: Martí in the people of Holguin will…

scientific, event, nurse, holguin

Holguin Clinical Hospital held a scientific conference on nursing              

The Clinical Surgical Hospital Lucía Íñiguez Landín of Holguín held a scientific conference in honor of…

doctor, ariel, batista, red, cross

Ariel Batista Osorio: “The Red Cross is the biggest part of my life”

The recent celebration of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, this May 8, a…

WFP in Holguin presents program’s impact on school nutrition

The World Food Program (WFP) presented the impact of its Sustainable School Feeding (AES+) project on…

accident, patients, leave, hospital, holguin

Holguin: People hit in road accident are released from hospital

After more than 24 hours of the massive road accident, in the town of Siboney from…

President Díaz-Canel at Eurasian Economic Council meeting

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel will attend for the first time an expanded meeting of the Supreme…